Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Narrative Comics Experiment 1

This aim of this task was to become freer with my drawings, it also allowed for the small mistakes and differences from the copy giving it the rough with no guidelines look. The images I worked from came from Harry Lucey comics selecting certain panels to copy. To make the cards only pens were allowed meaning that you had to be more confident in what you were drawing, each panel had to be completely in 5 minutes.
Examples of Harry Lucey's work:

My copies: 

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Narrative Comics Experiment 2

For this task I did the same as the Harry Lucey comics except that it was a story that I had made, again each panel was made within 5 mins.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Colour Trails

Here I took the panels that I created before and stuck them down in a storyboard style. Then using tracing paper and the three primary colours I began to colour focusing on shadows and tone but also picking out the small detail in the image, doing this for all the boards I had created. After the first sheet was coloured I went back and did a second sheet, for this sheet  I used just one colour to create block shapes or colouring that I may not of picked out earlier. I also focused on creating aspects that I may not of originally drawn for example rain or texture on buildings. For the final sheet I used a thick felt tip and picked out what I thought to be the more important part of the image, this did not necessary have to be the central part of the image.

Once all the sheets were completed I put them on Photoshop and played around with the hue and saturation until I found a style that I thought would look best for my final comic book.

Thursday, 18 October 2012


To begin my brainstorming I came up with three ideas that I might like to carry on through to the final piece, I then expanded on each one looking at all my options within that idea. I continued this process until I came up with my final idea.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Initial Character Ideas

Here I was doing some rough drawings to help me decide upon what I wanted my character to look like. Once I picked the overall appearance of the character I began to refine my drawings improving the way the character was drawn as well as sorting out any problems I had whilst drawing my character.


Friday, 5 October 2012

Flat Plans

I did flat plans so I could work out the structure of the story and which section of the story will be on certain pages. It also allowed me to see how I could organise a double page spread with the text and images stretching across two pages.

Thursday, 4 October 2012


Here I have planned the different components of my book so the layout and structure of the front, back and double page spread. I also worked out the complete storyline as well as various patterns and character drawings.