Saturday, 20 October 2012

Colour Trails

Here I took the panels that I created before and stuck them down in a storyboard style. Then using tracing paper and the three primary colours I began to colour focusing on shadows and tone but also picking out the small detail in the image, doing this for all the boards I had created. After the first sheet was coloured I went back and did a second sheet, for this sheet  I used just one colour to create block shapes or colouring that I may not of picked out earlier. I also focused on creating aspects that I may not of originally drawn for example rain or texture on buildings. For the final sheet I used a thick felt tip and picked out what I thought to be the more important part of the image, this did not necessary have to be the central part of the image.

Once all the sheets were completed I put them on Photoshop and played around with the hue and saturation until I found a style that I thought would look best for my final comic book.

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