Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Unit Evaluation

For this unit I decided that I wanted to make a piece focussed on young children as I had done such projects in the past and really enjoyed the style and freedom you have in creating them. Whilst working through brainstorming I began to really lock onto a boy and his backpack idea and so from then I began to transform this idea into a children's book. I worked through different layouts and styles as well as experimentation which allowed me to decide upon which process I wanted to create the book in. 

A piece of work that I refined was my character drawings working from sheets of character designs to deciding on my character and drawing him in many different positions and styles. Drawing people in a simplified form for children's books is a process that I first had difficulty with to get right. However my refining and constantly drawing my character helped my to see how to get proportions and interactions with other objects right. It also helped me to discover my own style of drawing children book character's of which I would never of achieved it I hadn't done these drawings. Another aspect of my book that I have refined was the form that I was going to do the book in. By doing a range of experiments I could try different techniques and see how they can be applied to my book with me finally deciding on using inked drawings and colouring in Photoshop. 

Artists that have influenced my work I would say were Brian Biggs and Owen Davey. Brian Biggs influenced my work by the process he works in, I really enjoyed working on getting the rough, sketchy lines in ink and then taking them into Photoshop and colouring them there. By colouring them on Photoshop it allowed me to get solid, crisp blocks of colour that would of been difficult to achieve with watercolour or paint. Colouring my pieces was influenced by Owen Davey because I liked the way that he didn't use black lines for the outline but chose to instead use a darker tone that was to fill the shape. This meant that my drawings didn't have a harsh outline that would not of fitted with the style of my book.

My final piece was successful as it went with how I planned it to be. However if I was to make this piece again I would think about changing the layout of each page as I feel that they could be set out in a different way that might make the book flow better, as well as making the contrast between writing and images more equal,

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